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How to Join


To join our league you must attend our preseason tryouts in March. At tryouts we will assess your ability to bat, field and throw to determine your rank/level of ability (beginner, low intermediate, middle intermediate, high intermediate or advanced). After completing tryouts you are entered into our draft pool. 

PPWSL is instructional which means your ranking will not impact your ability to participate in the league. Each team has the same distribution of players of each rank. You will be placed on a team according to what openings there are on the teams for players of your rank. Players are drawn randomly, by rank, until all the teams' rosters are filled. First priority is given to people who tried out for the previous season but were not placed on a team. This number varies from season to season, currently we have a very large draft pool. Please note: Trying out does not guarantee you a position on a team due to limited availability.

Pitchers and players with advanced softball skills - PPWSL has a specific need for you! Please consider joining the PPWSL!

  • Pitchers - PPWSL plays modified fastpitch (not high arc/slow and not fastpitch/windmill), as per ASA Pitching Rules
  • Players with advanced playing skills to help instruct and motivate lower-rated players

Register below to receive updates about future tryouts. 
This page and our instagram, @PPWSL1981, will also be updated with the latest information.


Due to an overwhelming number of potential players still in our draft pool, and limited openings, PPWSL will not be holding full tryouts this year.

2025 tryouts will be limited to pitchers and returning alums only.  

Dates for tryouts are Wed, March 19 4pm-6pm  and Sat, March 22 9am to 11am at Quaker Parrot Park at the Dust Bowl  - 8 Ave. bet. 65 St. and 66 St, Brooklyn.

Any player who tries out as pitcher must be willing to pitch if placed on a team, or risk forfeiting their spot on the roster. 

If you have a pitching background, or a willingness to pitch, please try out!

Returning alums need to try out to receive an updated player rating.  

All participants, please register in advance here.

All participants, please register in advance here

You must tryout (get skills rated) in order to play; unfortunately there is no other way to enter the league.
Please, keep us on your radar and register above to receive a reminder for the 2025 tryouts and other opportunities to play with us. 

Tryout FAQs

1. What will I have to do at tryouts?
     You'll be asked to throw, catch, bat, and run the bases. We just want to see where you're at, no need to stress or hurt yourself trying too hard. It is a supportive and lovely time. 

2. What should I bring to tryouts?
      Bring your softball glove and wear clothes you feel comfortable running around in. Tryouts are on a terf field so you can wear cleats or tennis shoes.​​​​​​​

3. Do I have to arrive at the beginning and stay until the end of the tryout period?
      YES. Plan to be at tryouts for the entire period listed. If you do not complete all components of the tryout you will not be entered into our draft pool.

4. Do I need to come to all days of tryouts?
      NO. You just need to come to a single day of tryouts

5. I don't have any experience, should I still tryout?
      YES. We are an instructional league with players of all abilities from never thrown a ball before to played competitively in college. Tryouts are not for us to select the best players but to assess player's general skill level so we can maintain skill parity on our teams when drafting.

6. I don't have a glove, can I borrow one?
      YES. There are always a few extras or someone willing to share. If you have an extra glove, consider bringing it as we are limited. If you are drafted to a team you will need to get yourself a glove, your new teammates can help you choose one if you are looking for guidance.

7. I don't have cleats, do I need them?
      NO. Cleats are not required in our league but are very helpful and promote safety, if you are drafted to a team they are recommended. Note - we do not allow metal spikes in our league.

8. Will tryouts still happen if it is raining?
      MAYBE. Weather is always questionable in NYC. Tryouts will only be cancelled if there is a true downpour or steady rain that makes conditions unsafe. If you are registered you will be notified of any cancellation. You can also check out our instagram for updates.

9. I tried out last year and wasn't placed on a team, do I need to try out again?
      NO. Next season you'll receive an e-mail in February confirming you would like to stay in the draft pool. 

10. I played in PPWSL before and would like to join again, do I need to tryout again?
      YES. We will need to reassess your rank but you will be given draft priority. Be sure to note you are an alumnus and your previous team if you would like to be placed on it again.

11. I am busy on the tryout days, is there any other way to join?
      NO. If you do not complete tryouts you will not be entered into our draft pool. We're sorry you can't make it this year and we hope to see you at tryouts next year! In the meantime feel free to come watch our games and make friends at our events posted on our socials. 

Draft FAQs

1. When will I hear back if I'm drafted to a team?
     ​Players will be notified beginning late-March as to whether you have been selected to be on a team. If you are not contacted at that time, there is still a possibility to be placed on a team for the season. People inevitably drop out due to schedule conflicts or other reasons and you may be contacted about joining a team through the end of June.

2. If I'm not placed on a team, what happens next?
     ​You will be kept in our draft pool list. Players in our draft pool are welcome to join us at our league wide scrimmages and clinics. Next preseason, you will be contacted in February by ppwsltryouts@gmail.com to confirm you would like to stay in the draft pool. If you accept, you will receive priority in our draft.

3. How long will I have to wait to be placed on a team?
     We're not sure. In the past we have promised to get players on a team by the season after they tried out, but currently cannot make this promise. In the last few years we've seen much larger numbers at our tryouts than spots open on teams. We wish we could accomodate everyone but are limited by our volunteer resources and permits for games. If you don't make a team we recommend checking out other leagues or sports, there are many beautiful sports communities in this city.

4. What determines if a player is drafted or not if it's an all abilities league?
     Each team is alloted the same proportion of players at the different skill ranks, this helps keep our league both competitive and instructional. As people leave the league, a spot of their rank opens on their team. We randomly pull players of that rank from the draft pool to fill the opening. 

5. Can I defer for a year if I'm placed on a team?
      NO. If you are placed on a team and decline to play you will have to tryout again.

6. Can I request to be on the same team as my friend who is also trying out?
      NO. Players are drafted individually. If you are both drafted into the league, you can request to transfer teams during our transfer period next preseason if either of your teams has a spot open of your friend's rank.

7. Can I request to be on the same team as my friend who is already in the league?
      KIND OF. Your friend can tell their team rep/coach to look out for your name. If you are drafted to another team, your friend's team can try to trade their draft pick of your rank for you with the team that drafted you. 

8. Draft priority has been mentioned a few times, what is the draft order? 
      Our draft protocol has traditionally organized players into pools (listed in descending priority order): pitchers, alumni, and remaining players by tryout year. In 2022, we added a priority pool for self-identifying BIPOC players to help our league demographics better match our larger community in Brooklyn. Entrance into this pool is private and optional.

      For each open spot we randomly pull a player from the highest priority pool with players of the spot's rank.

Basic League FAQs

1. When is the season?
     Games start in mid-April and continue through the end of August.

2. When and where are games?
     Games are all played in Prospect Park on weeknights at 6:20 pm. Most teams ask you to arrive at 6 pm to warm up. Games end after 7 innings or darkness as we don't have field lights. You will receive you season schedule when you are drafted.

3. Are there any games on weekends?
      NO. All season games are on weeknights. We do have some events on weekends including our end of season tournament, clinics, team practices, and parties. 

3. When are practices?
     Each team has their own practice culture and requirements. Some teams practice weekly while other's practice a couple times a season. Once you are on a team, your coach will let you know about practice times and requirements. 

4. How is game time determined?
     Each team has their own game time culture but every player that shows up to a game is guaranteed 2 defensive and 1 offensive inning. 

5. How many games do I have to attend?
     Each team has 2 scrimmages and 14 season games. You have to attend 6 season games to play in our end of season tournament. Some teams have slightly higher attendance requirements to stay on the team for the next season.

6. How competitive is the league?
     Moderately. We are playing a competitive game and that's part of the fun. But the spirit of the league is to be inclusive and supportive of players of all abilities and skills, to always be respectful of one another, and to have fun playing outside together. At our core we are a recreational and instructional league. 

7. Is this a social league or all softball?
     We are a social league. Many teams go out after games and have social events, additionally we have many league wide social events throughout the year. 

8. How does the league function?
     We are completely volunteer run by league members and alumni. All members are encouraged to participate in league business and/or volunteer if they can. Our board of directors is comprised of one member from each team. The board has a meeting open to all members once a month to discuss and vote on league business. We have an executive committee who oversees execution of all league business with assistance from various other volunteer roles.

9. Does it cost money to play in the league?
     Our league believes lack of individual funds should not prohibit participation, anyone who needs help will be helped. League softball functionality is paid through yearly team dues. Many teams cover their dues with local sponsorship and teams without full sponsorship have players contribute to the dues. Team jerseys often come out of pocket, but again teams work to help those out who need. Our social events and parties are covered or majorly subsidized by league fundraising and merchandise sales, any parties with a cover to attend will have scholarship options as well.  