Draft FAQs
1. When will I hear back if I'm drafted to a team?
Players will be notified beginning late-March as to whether you have been selected to be on a team. If you are not contacted at that time, there is still a possibility to be placed on a team for the season. People inevitably drop out due to schedule conflicts or other reasons and you may be contacted about joining a team through the end of June.
2. If I'm not placed on a team, what happens next?
You will be kept in our draft pool list. Players in our draft pool are welcome to join us at our league wide scrimmages and clinics. Next preseason, you will be contacted in February by ppwsltryouts@gmail.com to confirm you would like to stay in the draft pool. If you accept, you will receive priority in our draft.
3. How long will I have to wait to be placed on a team?
We're not sure. In the past we have promised to get players on a team by the season after they tried out, but currently cannot make this promise. In the last few years we've seen much larger numbers at our tryouts than spots open on teams. We wish we could accomodate everyone but are limited by our volunteer resources and permits for games. If you don't make a team we recommend checking out other leagues or sports, there are many beautiful sports communities in this city.
4. What determines if a player is drafted or not if it's an all abilities league?
Each team is alloted the same proportion of players at the different skill ranks, this helps keep our league both competitive and instructional. As people leave the league, a spot of their rank opens on their team. We randomly pull players of that rank from the draft pool to fill the opening.
5. Can I defer for a year if I'm placed on a team?
NO. If you are placed on a team and decline to play you will have to tryout again.
6. Can I request to be on the same team as my friend who is also trying out?
NO. Players are drafted individually. If you are both drafted into the league, you can request to transfer teams during our transfer period next preseason if either of your teams has a spot open of your friend's rank.
7. Can I request to be on the same team as my friend who is already in the league?
KIND OF. Your friend can tell their team rep/coach to look out for your name. If you are drafted to another team, your friend's team can try to trade their draft pick of your rank for you with the team that drafted you.
8. Draft priority has been mentioned a few times, what is the draft order?
Our draft protocol has traditionally organized players into pools (listed in descending priority order): pitchers, alumni, and remaining players by tryout year. In 2022, we added a priority pool for self-identifying BIPOC players to help our league demographics better match our larger community in Brooklyn. Entrance into this pool is private and optional.
For each open spot we randomly pull a player from the highest priority pool with players of the spot's rank.